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The University of British Columbia Okanagan, UBCO- Indigenous Studies. Indigenous Partnership on Biodiversity and Food Sovereignty (IPAF)

MSc and PhD in Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have worked as a consultant for the World Bank on issues related to Andean (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia) and Central American (El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras) Rural Indigenous-peasant farmers. I actively participated as Chapter lead and chapter contributor at the IAASTD (Intnl Assessment on Agricultural Science and Technology for Development) for the Latin American & Caribbean,Sub-global Report. Also writing team member IAASTD Global Synthesis Report. I participated at the 2010 GCARD Conference at Montpellier as part of the Latin American group (Dr. Mario Allegri-Uruguay, FORAGRO). I participated & presented a paper at the International Congress held in Mexico City July 2011, "Indigenous Peoples, Marginal Popultns, & Climate Change. Vulnerability, Adaptation & Traditional Knowledge". I participated at the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services-IPBES, Panama, April 2012