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The latest edition of New Agriculturist (04/2013) is now online
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New Agriculturist
The latest edition of New Agriculturist  (04/2013) is now online at How to feed 9 billion by 2050 is a complex question. Yet the staggering fact that women farmers, who produce the majority of the world's food, own less than two per cent of the world's land and receive only ten per cent of agricultural credit does at least suggest a good place to look for answers. In this edition, we present experiences and insights from a range of initiatives that are working to achieve sustainable improvements in the lives of smallholder women, their families and communities.
Focus on: Gender and Agriculture
Pathways to transformation for smallholder women
In India, the programme has supported women's collectives, building the influence of marginalised women farmers (credit: © CARE)Sustainable transformation in the productivity of smallholder women farmers depends on achieving impacts in five key areas of change, according to the Pathways Programme being implemented by CARE in Africa and Asia. read article
Achieving gender equity in agricultural value chains
APF is supporting organisations seeking to bring a gender lens to their on-going value chain work (credit: © Agri-ProFocus)Agri-ProFocus - a partnership that promotes farmer entrepreneurship in developing countries - has been working to improve gender equity in agricultural value chain initiatives. read article
Legal empowerment for the women of West Bengal
One-day village meetings were used to engage with women from marginalised communities (credit: © Swadhina)In West Bengal, the Swadhina CSO raises awareness of gender justice and women's rights to land. Men and women have taken part in community activities, and women have received empowerment, literacy and leadership training, enabling them to pursue issues with local authorities. read article
Chickens and eggs: gender dimensions in a marketing project
A ranking exercise helped groups to determine their preferred enterprises (credit: © KARI)In Malindi district on the Kenya coast, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute is engaging women in a project to improve the value chain for indigenous chicken and eggs. read article
GFAR: Research and innovation
Seeking harmony in Indonesia
Grasslands and swamp forests on the island of Seram are being converted to oil palm production. (credit: © Yves Laumonier)To help planners and policymakers balance the needs of agricultural development and nature conservation on the Indonesian island of Seram, a foresight tool was used to outline four land-use planning scenarios, each representing a possible future. read article
Mastering trade liberalisation in Morocco
A strong future for Moroccan agriculture depends on the development of a new vision and strategy. (credit: © Guillaume Benoit)Morocco's agricultural and rural sectors are facing new economic, social and environmental challenges imposed by globalisation. Developing a new vision and strategy for agriculture, shared by all actors, is crucial for achieving equitable and sustainable progress. read article
Sustaining Mendoza's environmental future
In Mendoza Province, oases represent 4% of the total land surface (credit: © Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria)In Mendoza Province, Argentina, the quality and quantity of water and soil are rapidly diminishing. Recognising the environmental vulnerability and fragility of the area, a foresight study has forecast Mendoza's environmental future up to 2030. read article
Leading the agricultural revolution from within Africa
Dr. Kilalo has developed a tool to detect the passion fruit woodiness virus (credit: © BecA-ILRI/Valerian Aloo) The BecA-ILRI Hub has woven a strong capacity-building programme into all of its activities to ensure that not only are new technologies and agricultural strategies being developed, but that scientific capacity within the continent is being built. read article
M-Farm: giving farmers the right connections
M-Farm has over 7,000 registered users (credit: © Jimmy Wambua/M-Farm)M-Farm, a mobile phone-based market information and trading service, is giving Kenyan farmers access to market prices, connecting them directly with buyers, and enabling them to bulk their produce to meet market needs and purchase inputs at discounted prices. read article
Restoring Peru's lost cloud forests
Coffee plants are protected from the sun by the third layer, consisting of banana plants (credit: © Practical Action/Ana Castañeda)In the cloud forests of Peru and Ecuador, 5000 farmers have been trained to practise layer farming, an agroforestry technique that provides short and long term food and income, while reversing traditional slash-and-burn practices. read article
Drought tolerant maize in Mali
Mali has the opportunity to expand maize production where it was not possible before (credit: © CIMMYT/Vincent Defait)In Mali, hundreds of farmers have begun to plant quick maturing, drought tolerant maize. Supply of basic seed to scale up seed multiplication and adoption of the new varieties is being carried out by farmers and the private sector, with support from the Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa project. read article
Points of view

Seeking an end to malnutrition
How can smallholders be supported to grow crops that have high nutritional value? (credit: © HKI)Crop and nutrition experts at The Economist's 'Feeding the World' conference discuss strategies for overcoming malnutrition, including biofortification, education and empowerment of girls and women, and shifting focus towards minor and local crops. read article

In pictures
Aflatoxin - fighting an invisible killer
Aflatoxin - fighting an invisible killerDeveloped in the US and adapted for African conditions by IITA, aflasafe™ is an easy to use product that can protect crops from contamination by harmful, aflatoxin-producing fungus. After successful field trials in Nigeria, it is now being adapted for use by other African countries. read article
My perspective
Robin Bourgeois, GFAR
Robin Bourgeois reflects critically on the strategies for feeding the global population (credit: © GFAR) Robin Bourgeois of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) reflects critically on the strategies for feeding the global population presented during The Economist's 'Feeding the World' conference held in Amsterdam in January 2013. read article
Country profile
Papua New Guinea
Agricultural products make up 18% of the country's exports (credit: © Paul Jones/ACIAR)Papua New Guinea (PNG) has great geographical diversity and is rich in natural resources. But despite PNG having the eighth fastest-growing economy in 2012, about one third of the population lives on less than US$1.25 per day. read article
GFAR updates
GFAR present a selection of brief news items based around recent international and regional events and meetings concerned with agricultural innovation and its implications in development. read article
News brief
Chickpea is the world's second most widely grown legume (credit: © ICRISAT)Recent news, including catastrophic loss of Cambodia's tropical flooded grasslands, the importance of recognising how climate change impacts food security of the urban poor, and the potential of African agriculture and agribusiness to be worth US$1 trillion by 2030. read article
Book reviews
The global farms raceReviews of some of the latest agriculture and rural development publications, including The Global Farms Race by Michael Kugelman and Susan L. Levenstein. read article
produced by WRENmedia
Photo credit: ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano