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October 2013: WAW Consultation meeting

Source: World Agricultures Watch

The WAW Secretariat seized the opportunity of the presence of some WAW stakeholders during the CFS-40 to present and collect views on what was recently achieved by WAW and its Partners.

In 2011 and 2012, different public consultations (side events CFS37 and IFAD Farmers’ Forum, First Stakeholders Workshop April 2012; IFSA WAW workshop, G20 Mexico statement) recognized the relevance of the rationale and pertinence of WAW strategy and overall framework.

8th October Consultation meeting was attended by Members of the WAW Steering Committee & WAW Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), by FAO official representatives of SO2 and SO3 strategic objectives, OCP and ESS representatives and NRL colleagues. Thus, Colleagues from FAO, IFAD, CIRAD, GFAR, WRF as well as the Chair of the  High Level Panel of Experts of the CFS were also present. See the list of Participants.

All WAW partners and participants to this consultation meeting highlighted their interest for the WAW Initiative and expressed their wishes to continue to work with the Secretariat.

The FAO/OCP department has proposed WAW Initiative the opportunity to give presentations during the International Year of Family Farming 2014 event (IYFF-2014).

After an introduction made by the chairperson,  Moujahed Achouri, director of FAO/NRL, and three presentations by WAW Secretariat, Consultants and Madagascar Pilot Observatory, a panel of discussion representing a diversity of stakeholders was held. Minutes of this Consultation Meeting are available :

  • Presentations

Marie-Aude Even, of the WAW Secretariat, presented WAW Global Framework for Action of the WAW Initiative, and underscored the last achievements and possible next steps. She reiterated the importance of having knowledge of Agricultural transformation and the necessity to establish a different-levels typology of agricultural holdings. (See her presentation)

Silvia Saravia Matus, WAW International consultant, reported from the FAO Regional Office from Latin America and Caribbean’s (FAORLC) on process and first results of the development of an international typology of agricultural holdings, including case study on Nicaragua data. (See her presentation)

Nathalie Rabemalanto, Responsable du Service Observatoire, CITE (Centre d’Information Technique et Economique, Madagascar), reported 1) the work in progress about the TCP facility supporting the development of the conceptual framework and related TCP project document for  a WAW observatory in Madagascar, 2) process and results from the  test of the international typology in the Observatory of Madagascar. Two-level country results of the typology, at local and national levels, were briefly reported out, as well as key elements structuring the conception of a WAW observatory in Madagascar, firmly rooted in existing institutions. (See her presentation)

  • Panel of discussion was held with personal contributions from:

Laura Lorenzo, Deputy Coordinator of the IYFF-2014, World Rural Forum (Civil Society).

Thomas Elhaut, Director of Statistics and Studies for Development Division of IFAD.

Ana Paula Dela O Campos, of FAO/ESW.

Robin Bourgeois, of the GFAR Secretariat. (See an illustration of his statement)

The WAW Scientific advisory committee: Maryam Rahmanian (Chair of the High Level Panel of experts of the CFS, HLPE) and Bruno Losch (CIRAD).

The 8th consultation meeting was an occasion for the NGO CITE-Madagascar to report on its  testing of the WAW methodological framework on the international typology of agricultural holdings. (Nathalie Rabemalanto foreground on the left). On the left screen, Silvia Saravia Matus, WAW Senior Consultant, by videoconference from FAORLC in Chile.