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CFS looked at country experience in using the Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security (VGGT) over the four years since they were endorsed in 2012, which highlighted some good practices on the importance of empowering all stakeholders to engage in securing tenure rights. 

Policy recommendations were endorsed on “Connecting smallholders to markets”. The recommendations recognise the need for more data to be collected on markets linked to local, national and regional food systems and the importance of smallholders in creating stronger linkages between consumers and food production. 

Policy recommendations, informed by an evidence-based report from the CFS High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE), were endorsed on “Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock?” Among other issues, the recommendations recommend improving animal health and welfare and make specific recommendations for pastoral, grazing and intensive livestock systems.  

Find out more about what happened at CFS 43 in the IISD Report.  The CFS 43 Final Report is in all language on the CFS 43 Documents Page

A total of 56 side events were organized by a wide range of CFS stakeholders on diverse issues such as how some of the CFS products are being used, what the greatest challenges are to achieving food security and nutrition and how CFS can support the Sustainable Development Goals.  Details and Summaries are on the Side Event page

As well as an Information Marketplace with 48 exhibitors, there was also a timeline display marking the 40th birthday of the Committee. The display will now be digitized and featured on the CFS website.


See the full Round Up for more about CFS 43, including the partnership with the GFAR to sponsor and train a group of 30 social reporters on social media reporting and write blog articles. And stay abreast of topics being prepared for CFS 44 in October 2017, among which nutrition will figure prominently. CFS stakeholders are now providing their feedback on the zero-draft of the High Level Panel of Expert’s (HLPE) Report on Nutrition and Food Systems which is open for e-Consultation until 5 December.