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  1. The Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Reasearch (EIAR) has evolved through several stages since its first initiation during the late 1940s, following the establishment of agricultural and technical school of Ambo and Jimma.until the mid 1960's the Imperial College of Agricultural and…
  2. The National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) is an autonomous Public Research Organisation (OPI) of the State Secretariat of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. It's the only public research organisation of the…
  3. EDICA major mandate is to establish Egypt’s National Agricultural Scientific Memory and support the Government Agricultural Development plans, by disseminating knowledge on agricultural research and transfer of modern agricultural technologies to user communities at universities,…
  4. El Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal (INISAV), con más de 20 años aportando resultados a la agricultura cubana, es el soporte científico-técnico y metodológico del Servicio Estatal de Sanidad Vegetal, principalmente en el diagn…
  5. The Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) is a Department under the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, of the Republic of Cyprus. The ARI was founded in 1962, after the independence of Cyprus, in cooperation with the Special Development Fund of the United Nations and the…
  6. El CEDAF es una fundación que promueve el desarrollo sostenible del sector agropecuario y forestal, a través de la capacitación, información, innovación institucional y análisis de políticas y estrategias sectoriales, avalados por una imagen de excelencia institucional y alta credibilidad con el…
  7. El Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias es una entidad de derecho público, descentralizada, dotada de personería jurídica y autonomía administrativa, económica, financiera y técnica; con patrimonio propio y presupuesto especial; vinculada al Ministerio de Agricultura y…
  8. Armenian State Agrarian University is the only higher educational institution that trains and prepares specialists for agrarian sphere. ASAU has passed a glorious scientific and educational road, and the University is proud of its graduates who serve for the welfare and prosperity of our state.…
  9. The International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IAEES) is a nonprofit and registered international organization. It devotes to promote global ecology and environmental sciences and protect global ecological environments, by publishing scientific publications, conducting research…
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