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A medida que transcurren los días de presentaciones del GCARD2 vamos logrando incorporar nuevo…
Es un tema ético. Mientras muchos se oponen a la utilización de agroquímicos, hay mil millones de…
Les reporteurs sociaux de la GCARD semblent tous être satisfaits et confiant après avoir été…
The 2012 Louis Malassis Young promising Scientist Prize was awarded to Dr. Matty Demont at the…
Kristin Davis, seconded from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to the Global…
The Green Revolution with an aim for food security was “easy”. But now challenges are “wicked,”…
Wondering what GCARD2 conference participants have to say? Check out the social media team&#…
Universities of agriculture worldwide decided to set up a global association to promote their key…
A pesar del creciente ascenso de la población mundial, fundamentalmente en los países del Asia…
Mr Carlos Pérez del Castillo, a distinguished diplomat with top international positions in his CV…
In one of yesterday’s parallel sessions at the second Global Conference on Agricultural Research…
Collective action is touted as helping producers achieve better prices and higher levels of…
Tabaré Aguerre, Ministro de Agricultura y Pesca, responde a los reporteros sociales de la GCARD2.…
The Social Reporters of the GCARD event should all feel accomplished and proud after having the…
Award ceremony organized on 29 October 2012, in Punta del Este, Uruguay  29 October 2012, Punta del…
  Ceremonia de entrega del Premio organizada el 29 de octubre 2012, en Punta del Este, Uruguay  29…
  Cérémonie de remise du Prix organisée le 29 octobre 2012, à Punta del Este, Uruguay  29…
Fue una de las frases del Presidente del Uruguay, José Mujica, “la Economía no entiende la…
Over 80 percent of Uruguay’s land area is used for livestock farming, dairy production, foliage and…
The GCARD-2 Foresight paper (F3), “The voice of smallholders in shaping priorities”, raises a…