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Department of Agriculture and Food

Family Name: DIEPEVEEN
First Name: DEAN

Present Position
Research Scientist, Department of Agriculture and Food, Government of Western Australia
Adjunct Associate Professor, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University

Research Profile

Career summary
43 peer-reviewed publications (,…);
29 years research experience in agricultural and health sciences;
Specialist in grain quality for cereal germplasm screening (plant breeding), statistical methodologies using mixed models, spectral and rapid-screening technologies, and data mining.
Dr Diepeveen's thesis (2011) and current research focus uses decision and information management processes to contribute to:
1. Pioneering the application of unbalanced datasets to wheat breeding. The methodologies were derived from tree and animal breeding experience and successfully applied to data sets from a wheat breeding program.
2. Providing the first integration of molecular data into a decision-matrix framework.
3. Building on the molecular integration in output-2 by establishing a more sophisticated integration of complex NIR spectral data with molecular data.
4. Providing inputs into decision matrices for breeding using the outputs discussed above.

Contact Information
Office Phone: +61 89368 3101
Mobile: +61 437482234