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  1. Journal of Hill Agriculture (JHA) is an international journal and an official publication of Indian Society of Hill Agriculture (ISHA). It publishes the original research in all branches of agriculture and allied science that is of primary interest to the agricultural development, especially in…
  2. The KPP envisages production and dissemination of high quality research and analysis products, sharing Indian and global evidence on policies that impact development outcomes. KPP supports the following three strategic objectives: • Gathering and uptake of evidence on issues central to…
  3. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology is a quarterly Scientific Research Journal, devoted on environmental aspects, and published in March, June, September and December every year. Previously it was published with a title Journal of Environment & Pollution (ISSN: 0971-4871) from 1994 to…
  4. KRISHI - acronym for Knowledge based Resources Information Systems Hub for Innovations in Agriculture, is launched by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research which acts a centralized data repository for all the data generated by the ICAR and its constitutive establishments.
  5. An annotated bibliogrpahy related to major spices like black pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, clove, nutmeg, etc. Spice Bibliography is a service from the Indian Institute of Spices Research compiling the world literature on spices. This facility offers the conveience of accessing the…
  6. The digital institutional repository of Indian Institute of Spices Research, a research organization under Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
  7. The Journal of Extension Education (JEE) is a flagship , open-access, peer-reviewed journal in the field of extension education published by  the Extension Education Society (EES) from 1990.It publishes articles representing original work, analytical papers and papers…
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