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Scale Up! is a synthesis of the highlights of discussions of the 38 participants
from some 25 institutions who attended the Workshop on Scaling Up Sustainable
Agriculture (SA) Initiatives held 22-23 October 1999 at the World Bank. The Workshop
was organized by the NGO Committee of the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) with support from the Global Forum on Agricultural
Research (GFAR) with the general assumption that there are successful local level SA
initiatives which, although spreading on their own through the informal social structures,
may be further expanded or scaled up with direct intervention. There are however
institutional, political, technological and methodological factors that keep the scaling up
activities from realizing its fullest potential of diversifying the benefits and spreading
these benefits to more people more quickly. Overcoming these constraining factors is
the overall challenge to the scaling up process.

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