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Centre for Indigenous Knowledge Systems And by Products (CIKSAP).

The center for indigenous knowledge works towards the sustainable of edible cultural materials, products and by products that lead to the sustainable development of a people.
The problem: Today's world cultures are time-tested and face the possibility of complete loss of indigenous cultural practices of knowledge and materials for the effective management of health through know-how of material and its science. Unless alternative measures are taken, the increasing exponential loss of the use of indigenous knowledge and material may result in the demise of biological lives that know and sustain indigenous knowledge and its material.Rural communities are vast banks of knowledge of material and know-how and something needs to be done to sustain increased utility of that knowledge.
Possible solutions: Working with indigenous local communities, CIKSAP tries to re-create the sustenance of indigenous habitats and methods of sustaining them, through the use of indigenous knowledge that is time-tested and tried and based upon a balanced perspectives of the relationship between natural resourse availability, utilization and future needs of people.

Our strategies:
1: Incoperate indigenous knowledge in research and development programs so as to build in communities a sense of security and ownership.
2: Building the capacity of rural and urban poor through training and education, so as to provide them with knowledge skills as well as improving their welfare.
3:Seeking new strategies for for marketing indigenous products and by producys.
4: Carry out advocacy campaigns for indigenous and traditional products, knowledge and properties.
5: Promotion of inter-community partnerships and participation in project implementation through facilitation visits, networking and common activities.

How we work;
Using participatory research techniques, CIKSAP seeks to invest in people as a resourse and helps/facilitates them in the process of collecting and collating indigenous knowledge systems, products and by products. At CIKSAP we we research and develop techniques and products for wide communal use. as well as sensitizing and educating communities, improving their knowledge base in the areas of agriculture, health and nutrition hence improving their general livelihood. CIKSAP also sentisises and educates policy makers on the value of local knowledge and landraces diversity for food security and health improvement.