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Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute

I am a Bangladeshi National, graduated from the Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University and got M.Sc. in Fisheries Technology From the Department of Fisheries Technology of the same University in 1981 and Joined as Lecturer in the same Department. From then, I started my carrier as teacher and researcher. I got promoted in the position of Assistant Professor followed by Associate Professor and Professor in the same Department at varying length of my service. I obtained my Ph D degree from the University of Stirling, UK in 1992 and had my Post Doc research from the same University in 2000. In my long teaching and research experiences I have major interest on fish nutrition, post harvest fish Technology and fisher's livilihood. I have got 58 research publications on different aspects of my research interest. Recently I joined as Director general of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute with an aim to serve the country having national interest on fisheries research.