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  1. Fast growing economies are increasingly emerging also as dominant forces in global economic, social and environmental affairs. These economies represent the world¿s largest potential markets and trading partners, the source of much of both the world¿s natural and human resources and of major…
  2. Country briefs presented by Brazil, China, Egypt, India, France, Vietnam at the International Workshop on Fast Growing Economies' Role in Global Agricultural Research for Development, February 2010
  3. All Annexures of the Report of the International Workshop on Fast Growing Economies' role in Global Agricultural Research for Development, February 2010
  4. Fast growing economies are increasingly emerging also as dominant forces in global economic, social and environmental affairs. These economies represent the world¿s largest potential markets and trading partners, the source of much of both the world¿s natural and human resources and of major…
  5. Global report on ARD commissioned for GCARD 2010, written by the Global Author Team. Also known as the "GAT report". First version
  6. In several countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific, diverse organisations have joined forces to promote local innovation in agriculture and natural resource management (NRM). They have drawn up their individual PROLINNOVA Country/Regional Programmes (CPs/RPs) as well as joint…
  7. En 2008, la population africaine essentiellement rurale a franchi la barre des 976 millions. L'agriculture est la principale source de subsistance pour la majorité de cette population. Le nombre de personnes extrêmement sous-alimentées entre 1990 et 1992 en Afrique subsaharienne (ASS) était…
  8. In 2008, Africa¿s population, which is mostly rural, topped the 976 million mark. For the majority of these inhabitants, agriculture is the main source of livelihood. The underperformance of this important sector especially in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is borne by the facts that between 1990 and…
  9. Africa¿s Engagement with the GCARD Process; The GCARD Consultation Process in Africa; Priority ARD areas for Africa¿s engagement with international partners. Regional Forum: FARA.
  10. Based on the regional review conducted in Africa by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), an e-consultation was held which is presented in this report. The purpose is to gather broader perspectives on how research can increase its development impact in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Based…
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