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  1. In a world characterized by globalization, and by an increasingly science-based and knowledge-intensive environment, the access to information, and the capacity for converting information into useful knowledge for different end-users and stakeholders, is becoming of paramount importance. In the…
  2. The objective of the Consortium is to give NARS a suite of tools and standards, based on modern information and communication technologies (ICT), to manage agricultural development information effectively and efficiently. This objective will be pursued through the following activities: i) develop a…
  3. Ms. Edith Hesse, CIAT, Colombia presented to the Plenary a summary of the recommendations made by the AGRIS Discussion Group of 24 September (Malaysia Room, Moderator E.Hesse). Discussions had taken place regarding the two key documents: FAO/COAIM-2/Inf 6 ¿AGRIS ¿ A strategy for an international…
  4. Project Goal: Strengthen national, regional and global agricultural information systems to satisfy the needs of an emerging, more knowledge intensive agriculture that now needs information on a wider range of topics and beyond that available with local communities. Purpose of the Project: To enable…
  5. The general objectives of the project are to: 1) Develop and manage an interactive communication system among the stakeholders of agricultural research for development (ARD). 2) Identify information resources relevant to ARD and enhance access to them, through a gateway (portal) function. 3) Build…
  6. The general objective of the INTERDEV project can be defined as follows: to design and to test a co-operative information service on Natural (environmental) Resources Management. By doing so, it is assumed that new technologies for communication and information provide technical possibilities to…
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