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The GFAR Management Team commends the Panel for an excellent report which globally conveys a positive opinion on GFAR¿s achievements and has very good and concrete suggestions for its future development. The GFAR Management Team wishes also to express its thanks to the Panel members for their openness and the transparency with which they conducted the review.

The GFAR Charter defines the rules and regulations of the Global Forum on Agricultural
Research (GFAR). The Charter was approved by the GFAR Steering Committee (GFARSC)
in October 1998 and was first revised following the First GFAR External Review that
took place in mid-2000. This second revision, the principle of which was endorsed during the
12th GFAR-SC Meeting, takes into account various changes that have taken place since then
and in the wake of globalization of agriculture, and the recognition that the NARS sub-

Emerging issues related to Business Plan: 1) Advocacy role for agricultural
research for development as top priority for GFAR. 2) Endorse facilitating and catalytic
role of GFAR Secretariat. 3) Endorse the five areas I identified as priorities ¿ sustainable financing mechanism. 4) Longterm perspective and sustainability considerations. 5) IARCs can provide information and form partnerships to support advocacy role¿share research results, data. 6) We can contribute to advocacy role through IARCs¿ networks. 7) Future Harvest Foundation can contribute to GFAR advocacy role

Evaluation of the Conference: 1) It is important to have better representation of the farmers¿ constituency, with an equal level of participation as the NGO constituency. 2) Farmers are pleased with the CSO per-conference meeting. This 2-day event, linked to the GFAR Conference should be retained and extended to regional and sub-regional GFAR meetings. 3) Farmers regret the overlap of dates between the FARA meeting and the Pre-Conference CSO meeting.

Evaluation of the Conference: 1) It is important to have better representation of the farmers¿ constituency, with an equal level of participation as the NGO constituency. 2) Farmers are pleased with the CSO per-conference meeting. This 2-day event, linked to the GFAR Conference should be retained and extended to regional and sub-regional GFAR meetings. 3) Farmers regret the overlap of dates between the FARA meeting and the Pre-Conference CSO meeting.

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