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  1. Madaksons Cattle Breeders Group was created on August 18, 2000 with mission to empower Indigenous communities on actions that foster environmental sustainability, fight hunger and ensure food security.
  2. Disaster Risk Management in Africa - DRM Africa is an initiative that apply the open data principles in strengthening the community resilience to natural and anthropic hazards.
  3. The Human Rights Reporters Ghana (HRRG) is an initiative of young Ghanaian journalists, editors, lawyers and human rights activists who have come together to address human rights violations in Ghana to bring the country closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. HRRG is committed to…
  4. Trust Organic Small Farmers is a networking association for organic and Fairtrade certified producer groups based in India, Sri Lanka, South Africa and importers based in France, Germany, UK and USA
  5. Les objectifs de l’Organisation sont de : * prendre en charge les enfants démunis et déshérités ainsi que les orphelins * lutter contre les IST/ VIH/SIDA * œuvrer à l’insertion sociale des enfants de la rue ; * lutter contre la maltraitance, la prostitution, l’esclavage et la violence faite aux…
  6. Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa (TEA) has been working in Ethiopia for over Seven years, focusing on health, Education, One Health (Human, Animal and Environmental Health) and livelihood. We do this through well planned and comprehensive programs in One Health, Health, Education & capacity building…
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