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  1. The Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (abbreviated UNIOESTE; State University of West Paraná) is one of the public universities of the State of Paraná, Brazil. Was created in 1988 and recognized in 1994 by the Federal Government of Brazil. UNIOESTE has 55 undergraduate courses and about 24…
  2. It is the first Republican University of Peru.They are  professionals and responsible for the  academic competitive, quality, critical, ethical and social. They create value by generating and transferring scientific, technological, humanistic and innovative, for the sustainable development of the…
  3. La Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina es una institución educativa universitaria especializada en la formación de profesionales competentes para los sectores agrosilvopecuario, pesquero, alimentario y económico, que se distinguen por ser líderes, proactivos, innovadores, competitivos, con…
  4. Universidad
  5. La Universidad Católica de Temuco ha sido fundada por la Iglesia Católica, en el espíritu del Evangelio de Jesucristo y el Magisterio de la Iglesia, para servir a la sociedad de La Araucanía y la macro región sur del país, dedicándose desde sus inicios a 'la formación amplísima de los…
  6. Universidad
  7. The Rangelands Partnership members represent rangeland management specialists, librarians, and technologists from 19 Land-Grant universities in the United States.  Together the Partnership supports the development and maintenance of, as well as local state…
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