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  1. Emanu started Geossy, an aquaculture business,  to address many of the core issues facing his country and region such as  poverty (through education, training and job creation )and also to provide a sustainable source of fish, as demand has grown while the nature supply was decimated through poor…
  2. Akeredolu, Excellence is a lecturer in the department of Zoology ,University of Lagos,Nigeria with interest  in Fish and Smail Breeding.He holds a doctorate  degree in fisheries mamagement  from University of Ibadan,Nigeria.
  3. Working at Malawi national aquaculture centre as a fish breeder with main interest on producing new varieties of local tilapias using a selective breeding process. I am a passionate fish farmer with my own personal 3 ha farm, practicing semi-intensive fish farming of local tilapias. I have been in…
  4. I have graduated in distinction from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, in Rural Development (BSc) in 2008. Then employed at Haramaya University with Grauate Assistant I and II from 2008 to 2010. I have enrolled my postgrauate study ourse work in Agricultural Information & Communication Management…
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