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  1. I am agriculturist. I love engaging in the agriculture and allied aspects .Agriculture is the basis for survival of human being from long time ago. Present increase in the global population and shrinkage of the agricultural land as well as different challenges like climate change, pest outbreak,…
  2. I am 7th semester student of b.vsc and a.h at tribhuvan university of nepal. since my childhood i was bright student and since my teenage i was involved in many social organizations because of my pursuit of helping others.i am part of agricuture too beacuse my degree makes me veterinary doctor as…
  3. Pursuing undergraduate degree from Agriculture and forestry University, chitwan, Nepal.
  4. Hello all, I am an agriculture student from Nepal. My area of interest lies on promoting youth and ICT for agriculture developent.
  5. Studying Masters in Computer Science and information Technology,have been Working for addressing several issues in agriculture sector through innovative use of ICT. co-founder and chairperson of ICTAN. ICTAN is an organization formed by groups of young people that uses ICT as a tools for solving…
  6. Student of BSc. Agriculture at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Nepal and Social Medea Intern at YPARD( Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural research Development)
  7. I am unto completion of my undergrad studies (B.Sc. Agriculture) here at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. I aspire to transform prevailing agriculture practices in an ecologically sound and socially justifiable way in Nepal and the world over.
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