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  1. International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK) is a scientific and educational organization that combines sectoral public activities with the implementation of commercial programs designed to promote the development of science and education as well as to create and…
  2. The APPG AFD will be hosting Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and winner of the 2016 Africa Food Prize. Dr Nwanze will give a 20-minute talk on "Agricultural transformation in Africa: the role of smallholder producers” which will be followed…
  3. Can you inspire and catalyse an international movement for change? Build and harness momentum on an issue of global importance? Do you know how to empower people to challenge entrenched power systems and enact the positive solutions to neglected environmental problems? Do you have a track record…
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