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  1. An Accountant by profession interested in agricultural development
  2. Chief Research Officer within Crop Breeding Institute in the Department of Research & Specialist Services in Zimbabwe responsible for coordinating Research &D activities of legume and roots and tuber crops. Also the national bambara groundnut breeder. Trained in Agriculture with…
  3. PhD Researcher at Wageningen University in Food Quality and Design
  4. The DLVS is a department within the Min of Agriculture which is specifically for Veterinary research services at national level
  5. Have worked in agricultural research in Zimbabwe within the southern African region for the past 33 years and have made input in dryland agriculture in semi-arid areas, irrigatigated cropping, horticulture, wetland management systems, multi-disciplinary research and development formulation and…
  6. I am a young Zimbabwean agriculture scientist, holder of a BSc Honours degree in Agriculture (Soil Science) from the University of Zimbabwe and currently doing a Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) in Agriculture (Integrated soil fertility and water management) with the University of Zimbabwe. I am a…
  7. Ben Christopher Mbaura is an Agricultural Economist currently employed by Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) as a Projects Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DME) Coordinator responsible for providing leadership and technical support on projects design, monitoring and evaluation across…
  8. lecturer/researcher in Information Sciences.I hold BA Eng/Comm,Diploma in Public Relations and Communication, Higher D LIS, Msc in Information Sciences and Currently working to complete a Dphil in Information Sciences.I have contributed three papers on use of ICT 's to boost agriculture.I have a…
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