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  1. Concept note for the AgriVIVO project. The primary goal of AgriVIVO is to facilitate better networking of individual researchers and the organizations they belong to for better collaborations and less duplication of efforts. This project will demonstrate the potential for AgriVIVO to leverage…
  2. This document defines the Global ARD Web Ring as a ¿voluntary coalition of web spaces that share information related to agricultural research and innovation for development.¿ All partners under in the Web Ring project should make ARD related information sources more accessible through each other.
  3. In the Andes region there has been an increased interest in high-value products (HVPs), which may represent an interesting opportunity for small farmers, the development community and policy-makers throughout the region, for promoting diversified livelihoods rather than insisting on pushing small…
  4. The Web Ring will be an information gateway giving access to information from different and relevant ARD information sources
  5. The organizational contact information service (OCIS) is a pilot project of GFAR, FAO, IAC-WUR, RWC and WIS International. OCIS aims to improve access to organizational contact information on the e-GFAR website being part of the e-GFAR web ring combining information from the NARS database of FAO,…
  6. Market orientation in the sub-sectors of date palms, olives, cotton and medicinal plants in the AARINENA region
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