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  1. Objectives The general objective of the PRAIS is to strengthen, dynamize and harmonize the design and implementation of the RAIS in every Region of the GFAR, through facilitating the exchange of experiences and the development of joint efforts among RAIS. In doing so, in the GFAR-2000 meeting the…
  2. La communauté internationale de la recherche agronomique pour le développement (RAD) s¿accorde pour la mise en place d¿un système mondial, qui propose de raisonner les activités de tous les acteurs impliqués selon une approche qui distingue plusieurs niveaux sur une échelle qui va du local au…
  3. The general objective of this initiative is to facilitate exchange of information and, consequently, promote collaboration between the regional and sub-regional fora. The specific objectives are: 1) To define more precisely the data/information arising from agricultural research networks and the…
  4. A l'issue de la dernière réunion du comité de pilotage du Forum Mondial (Washington, octobre 1998), le secrétaire exécutif du Secrétariat des SNRA et le directeur général du CIRAD ont convenu d'organiser une réunion de réflexion sur la collaboration entre le CIRAD, les SNRA, les Fora…
  5. Ms. Edith Hesse, CIAT, Colombia presented to the Plenary a summary of the recommendations made by the AGRIS Discussion Group of 24 September (Malaysia Room, Moderator E.Hesse). Discussions had taken place regarding the two key documents: FAO/COAIM-2/Inf 6 ¿AGRIS ¿ A strategy for an international…
  6. EGFAR, GFAR¿s website and keystone to its communications, is being redesigned to keep pace with GFAR¿s continued evolution in facilitating and fostering effective networks for agriculture research and development. With the redesign of EGFAR, GFAR¿s stakeholders and partners will gain improved…
  7. Objectives and expected outputs
  8. On October 22-23, 1998, the CGIAR NGO Committee (NGOC) convened a consultation on Natural Resources Management (NRM) involving 45 participants from NGOs, TAC, IARCs, Universities and NARIs. The consultation came as a response to the newly-recognized importance that the CGIAR within its renewed…
  9. The general objective of the INTERDEV project can be defined as follows: to design and to test a co-operative information service on Natural (environmental) Resources Management. By doing so, it is assumed that new technologies for communication and information provide technical possibilities to…
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