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To strengthen the capabilities of member countries in research on and development of mandate
crops by promoting and co-ordinating networks, in order to benefit producing countries, farmers,
users, and consumers by contributing to increased coconut and oil palm production.
Specific objectives:
§ To identify and address researchable constraints and opportunities for the development of the
sustainable production of coconut and oil palm.
§ To help formulating research and development projects, to identify funding for their
implementation, and to monitor and evaluate the outputs of the funded projects.
§ To catalyse the advanced research community to effectively collaborate with each other and with
producing countries in research, training, technical support and assistance.
§ To co-ordinate the global network, providing advice to donors on priorities, avoidance of
duplication, relevance and value for money, and to provide a service for project management,
monitoring and evaluation, to donors and international, regional or national programmes.
§ To disseminate information using all available media and to transfer technologies to the end-users.
§ To be a permanent forum for consultation and discussion between all the parties concerned with
its mandate crops: producers, processors, traders, researchers, developers, and donors.

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