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OBJECTIVES OF THE CONSULTATION. 1) To review the present status of the Information & Communication Management (ICM) and
ICT situation in each WANA sub-region (Maghreb, Mashreq, Nile Valley & Red Sea,
Arabian Peninsula, West Asia), identifying: i) information requirements; ii) information
facilities or services which already exist; iii) existing projects or proposals aimed at
strengthening information systems and/or services. 2)
To identify constraints which could prevent the implementation of an effective, efficient
and sustainable information system in WANA and to brainstorm on possible ways and
means to alleviate them. 3) To discuss a draft WANA Agricultural Information Strategy and a project proposal for the
establishment of a WANA Agricultural Information System (WAIS). These two documents
will be prepared by the AARINENA Secretariat with the assistance of a consultant. 4) To formulate recommendations on the establishement of a WAIS for consideration by the AARINENA General Assembly.

Publication date
Document type
Background Document