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The GFAR Business Plan (BP) provides a frame work and guidelines to its constituent stakeholders [...]
It comprises three parts: (i) a strategic document that briefly describes some of the issues that shaped the vision of GFAR
and guided the choice of its priority areas of focus for the immediate and near future of about ten years; (ii) a
comprehensive three-year rolling plan that describes not only concrete activities and expected
outputs for each of the priority areas of focus identified in the strategic document, but also a
phased implementation plan of the activities, key indicators and milestones for monitoring
purposes, lead and other stakeholders that will drive the initiatives; and iii) a Programme of
Work (PoW) of the GFAR Secretariat, that provides details of what the Secretariat will do on
an annual basis, to facilitate the implementation of the rolling plan by the stakeholders.

Publication date
Document type
Business plan