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There was general consensus on the potential value-adding role that can and should be played by
GFAR in supporting agricultural research and development in the world. There was the need however
for clarity of the role of GFAR vis-à-vis those of other fora, lower down in the geographic hierarchy
(e.g. continental Agricultural Fora (e.g. FARA), the SROs and other layers of operation), to avoid
duplication and confusion.
Priority roles for GFAR were agreed as follows:
¿ GFAR should be seen as a platform for Representation and Advocacy for agricultural research at
the global level.
o Links with political groupings such as G8, Africa Union (and other continental bodies)
o Inter-Academy Council, and Academies of Science
¿ GFAR should be a FORUM to bring agricultural scientists and stakeholders from different regions
of the world together, to focus on major issues of global importance that influence agriculture.
¿ GFAR should promote sharing of information and experiences across the regions of the world.
¿ GFAR should raise funds and political support for the continental agricultural fora (e.g. FARA)
¿ GFAR should ¿promote¿ Partnership Development across disciplines, across institutions and
organizations and across regions and continents of the world.

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