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The Roundtable Sessions are designed to maximize interaction among the members of the different
GFAR stakeholder constituencies in discussing (a) various perspectives on the contribution of
agricultural research and innovation to sustainable development; (b) the emerging priorities around
which new lines of action can be developed and articulated in the GFAR Business Plan 2003-2006.

"The overall objective is to develop productive and sustainable livestock-based
production systems through the integration of feed and livestock production, both within and
across production systems, aiming at improving the incomes and welfare of small farmers and
livestock owners/herders in the low-rainfall areas of West Asia and North Africa (WANA),
meeting national demands for livestock products, and conserving the natural resource base.
Past and ongoing research has identified available, or potential, technologies and management

"Objectifs: l¿objectif du projet est de réaliser un programme d¿étude, d¿amélioration et de gestion de la jachère au niveau de terroirs villageois dans des pays d¿Afrique tropicale. Il s¿agit d¿insérer le cycle culture-jachère, ou les modes de substitution à la jachère lorsqu¿elle a disparu, dans une stratégie de développement durable."

The presentation was designed to raise key issues around NGO participation in decision-making
processes for ARD. The presentation points out key milestones and challenges of NGO involvement.
The overall purpose is to provide information upon which NGO participants in GFAR 2003 can base
their decisions on the direction and extent of engagement with GFAR.
Furthermore, while in Manila (CGIAR AGM October 2002), NGO were offered the vice chair
position in GFAR but declined pending a ¿constituency awareness ¿ and consultations. NGOs

My purpose today is to identify a number of challenges that Civil Society faces we think about
crafting a future vision for promoting a civil society engagement in policy forums in Agricultural
Research for Development. I want to look at challenges in four specific areas:
¿ How can civil society work better with research and extension services at the local level?
¿ How can civil society engage with agricultural research policy forums?
¿ How can civil society get better organized?
¿ How can civil society communicate with each other?

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