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The project aims to create market outlets for agro-based products derived from sustainable conservation
of honeybees and silkmoths by the rural communities in East Africa. The objective is to promote an intra-
African trade for silk and honey based products to create business opportunities among African countries.
Both silk and honey based products have intra-regional trade potential. This was confirmed through
monitoring supply and demand of these products in the region. The main factors limiting the development

In the context of the Global Soil Fertility Initiative, the International Fertilizer
Development Center (IFDC) is promoting and supporting African agricultural development
using soil fertility improvement as the focal point. The program involves a participatory process
that brings farmers, farmers¿ organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and
National Agricultural Research and Extension System(s) (NARES) together for the development,
validation, and implementation of packages to trigger agricultural intensification. The packages

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