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The SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre (SPGRC) is a non-profit making Southern Africa
Development Community (SADC) institution whose objectives are to conserve and guarantee safe
conservation of crop and wild plant genetic resources; document the plant genetic resources of the region to ensure their efficient and sustainable use and provide a forum for exchange of scientific as well as cultural, traditional and indigenous knowledge and experiences; to train personnel in plant genetic resources management and co-ordinate plant genetic resources activities in the SADC region.

Objectives: To promote linkages between agricultural producers, end-users of agricultural products,
agricultural research institutions, and advanced agricultural education institutions as a means of
fostering the transfer and farm-level adoption of appropriate technological innovations.

Financed principally by an endowment provided by the countries of the Americas, and managed
directly by the same countries, the Regional Fund¿s overarching goal is to promote the
competitiveness of the rural sector in ways that contribute to poverty reduction and the
sustainable management of the resource base. Specific approaches being taken by the Fund to
support this goal are to:
· Add a permanent flow of new resources for regional agricultural research;
· Accelerate applied research at the national level by supplying public goods-type

PRECODEPA es una red que tiene el objetivo de aumentar el uso de tecnología apropiada para la
producción sostenible de papa en la región de Centroamérica, El Caribe y México. Para tal efecto se
han establecido proyectos que responden a problemas comunes, con base en países con ventajas
comparativas para el desarrollo y transferencia de los conocimientos generados.

Título del Proyecto: Organización y gestión de la integración tecnológica agropecuaria y
agroindustrial en el Cono Sur. Este proyecto se propone promover la integración tecnológica y fortalecer la capacidad de gestión del proceso innovativo en el ámbito del Sistema Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial (SAA) del MERCOSUR ampliado.
Para cumplir con ese propósito, se plantea fortalecer y asegurar el proceso de reingeniería del Programa
Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agropecuario del Cono Sur (PROCISUR). El nuevo modelo

Objectives: i.) To strengthen the on-going research on taro in the Pacific and promote networking. ii.) Describe genetic diversity in taro ¿ an underutilized tuber crop and a staple food in the Pacific Island countries. iii.) Develop and adopt, complementary conservation techniques to conserve taro genetic
resources. iv.) Evaulate diversity to develop disease resistant high yielding varieties and promote
their utilization by farming communities.

Project Title: Organization and management of technological integration in agriculture
and agroindustry in the Southern Cone. This project aims to promote the technological integration as well as to strengthen the management
capacity of the innovate process in the Agri-food and Agroindustrial System (AAS) in the enlarged
MERCOSUR 2. In order to be able to comply with the proposal, the strengthening and assurance
of the re-engineering process of the Cooperative Program for Technological Development in

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