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The objective of this document is to define more precisely the rules and regulations of the NARS Steering Committee, keeping in mind that this committee has been established in the framework of the GFAR and that, consequently, it has to comply with the GFAR Chart as presented in the document prepared by the GF-SC Secretariat

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) was
established in October of 1996...The Mission of the Global Forum is to:
¿Help mobilize the various stakeholders that constitute the global agricultural research
community, in their efforts to alleviate poverty, increase food security and promote the
sustainable use of natural resources

A. Background and Rationale for a NARS Steering Committee (NARS-SC) Secretariat. B. Basic Guiding Principles for Establishing the NARS-SC Secretariat. C. Goal and Key Objectives. D. Functions of the NARS-SC Secretariat. E. Institutional Status of the NARS-SC Secretariat.

The overall objective of the conference was to strengthen research
partnerships among the stakeholders of agricultural research for development (ARD). Three specific
objectives were assigned to the Conference: (a) Formulation and endorsement of a Global Shared
Vision and development of a Global Strategic Agenda; (b) identification of new innovative research
partnerships in four priority areas (Genetic Resources Management & Biotechnology; Natural
Resources Management & Agro-ecology; Global Networks along the principle of Commodity

This joint GFAR-IPGRI publication [...]is part of the GFAR/IPGRI/FAO Initiative on GRFA [Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture]. The case studies and micro-papers contained herein are aimed at facilitating a common understanding of the complex issues ranging from national access legislation to promoting regional/global partnerships; from country of origin and patenting issues to germplasm flow and multilateral access, among others; and at identifying policy options that are available in each case.

La meta de la conferencia era examinar los logros y aprender las lecciones aprendidas
durante el trienio (2000-2003), e identificar nuevos e interesantes temas globales, amenazas y oportunidades pertinentes a la investigación agrícola para el desarrollo. Los resultados de los dos ejercicios fueron usados para elaborar un marco para las actividades de la investigación agrícola para el desarrollo necesarias para mitigar las amenazas y crear oportunidades.

La conférence poursuivait divers objectifs qui étaient d'examiner les acquis et d¿établir un bilan de ces trois dernières années (2000-2003), mais aussi d¿identifier les problèmes mondiaux émergents, les risques et les opportunités se rapportant à la recherche agricole pour le développement. Les résultats de ces deux exercices ont été utilisés pour mettre au point un cadre d¿activités de la Recherche Agricole pour le Développement nécessaire pour réduire les risques et tirer parti des opportunités.

The goal of the conference was to review achievements and take stock of lessons learned during the current triennium (2000-2003), and to identify new and emerging global issues, threats and opportunities of relevance to Agricultural Research for Development (ARD). The outcomes of both exercises were used to develop a framework for ARD activities required to alleviate the threats and build on the opportunities.

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