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  1. This database includes the information on aquatic plasm resources of living bodies, specimen,sperm, DNA. These data covers on occurence data ,biology , spawning, aquaculture technology, molecular technique .
  2. it contains updated information about prawn cultivation in 150000 acre field.
  3. This site to collect the scientific data obtained in rice research, including the elite germplasm, mutant of rice, molecular markers, genetic & QTL,  rice varieties, rice knowledge et al.  It's suitable for rice researchers.
  4. 渔业与水产科学数据库整合了渔业水域资源与生态特征数据、渔业物种资源与生物基础数据、渔业生物资源野外调查数据、渔业生态环境野外调查数据、水产养殖数据、捕捞渔业及管理数据、渔业装备与设施技术数据、渔业基础设施状况数据、渔业科技与经济管理数据9类渔业科学数据。
  5. A national system for monitoring crop and agro-meteorological prediction of cereal crops, called 'CGMS-MOROCCO' (Crop Growth Monitoring System - Morocco), was initiated by the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) as part of the E-AGRI project. CGMS-MOROCCO is managed by a…
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