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  1. The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) is a stakeholder-led initiative established in 1996 that seeks to promote cost-effective partnerships and strategic alliances among the key players involved in agricultural research for development (ARD). As part of GFAR¿s forum function which is…
  2. The workshop on biotechnology is the result of cooperation between Asian Farmers Network (ASFARNET) and International Service for Acquisition of Agric-biotech Applications (ISAAA). Workshop on Biotechnology Promotion and Exchange on Agricultural was held on November 28 ¿ December 1, 2004 in Hotel…
  3. INTERFACE, le Réseau des Professionnels de l¿agro-alimentaire en Afrique est né le 23 Mai 1997 à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso pour répondre aux problèmes de développement du secteur privé africain émergeant, confronté à la mondialisation de l¿économie. Quatorze délégués provenant de l¿Afrique de l¿…
  4. Le réseau Interface a été créé pour répondre aux problèmes de développement du secteur agrobusiness confronté à la mutation de l¿environnement des affaires dans ce monde de globalisation et d¿exacerbation de la concurrence. Espace de réflexions, d¿échanges et d¿actions, INTERFACE couvre…
  5. The program is located in the southern part of Brazil, at the border between the states of Paraná and Sta. Catarina. Twenty-two municipalities are included in the program, covering 13,000 square kilometers and a population of 55,000 family farmers (roughly 250,000 people). The area is part of the…
  6. The 1998 Third External System Review of the CGIAR recommended a stronger CGIAR focus on sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and emphasis on the need for increasing the effectiveness of partnerships to achieve increased agricultural productivity toward food and income security. This workshop brought together…
  7. The exciting discoveries of molecular biology are not being used in ways to realize their maximum benefit for the world¿s poor; neither are the rich pools of genetic resources that exist in collections held by national agricultural research systems (NARS) and the Future Harvest Centers of the…
  8. [The focus of the CP needs to be rethought. Twenty two crops are considered, but there is only a single target (tolerance of drought stress). While relevant as a model system, choosing only drought tolerance ¿sets the bar very high.¿ A few other model traits, for example those relating to disease…
  9. In ICW-99 the CGIAR initiated an exercise aimed at developing a new vision and strategic view of the CGIAR, with the time horizon of 2010. This process is being carried out under the leadership of TAC. At the request of TAC, the NARS Secretariat is playing a role in facilitating the participation…
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