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  1. Goal: sustainable enhancement of the livelihoods of NTFP collectors and producers. Outputs: 1. Action Research Partnership Sites (ARPS). 2. Strategic Research Programmes. 3. Global NTFP Information and Knowledge Repository. 4. Learning and Replication Support Services. 5. Equitable NTFP Supply…
  2. Structure of this talk: A brief overview & assessment of 2005 activities; Perspectives for 2006 and beyond: renewal of DMC thru the global CA facility
  3. L¿objectif : Contribuer à renforcer l'engagement et le potentiel scientifique des acteurs de la Recherche Agricole pour le Développement Durable des pays du Sud. Initiative de Type 2 du sommet mondial pour le développement durable de Johannesburg. Les pays couverts par le projet: Les Pays ZSP…
  4. 2005 has been a very busy year for DMC, despite the fact that DMC continues t be in a transitional phase of its short existence. Major activities such as case studies or even the organization of the Third World Congress on Conservation Agriculture may actually be considered as corresponding to some…
  5. This report describes the activities, achievements, limitations and current perspectives of the DMC (Direct sowing, Mulch-based systems and Conservation agriculture) Global Partnership Program over its entire operational life span, i.e. from early 2002 up to now. While part of this information had…
  6. The GP [Global Programme] - DMC Action Plan: Learning activities from local initiatives; Synthesis activities across case studies; Feedback/advocacy activities; Information sharing activities (Website)
  7. The GPhI is a global Initiative with the objective to work towards the efficient, equitable and sustainable development of post-harvest components in the supply chain to promote sustainable economic growth, poverty alleviation and food security in developing countries through market-orientated…
  8. Following the development of the ¿Strategic Framework for a Global Post-harvest Initiative-Linking Farmers to Markets¿ in October 2003, this initiative entered a ¿going back to the regions phase¿ in which concrete activities would be carried out at the lowest most effective level in accordance with…
  9. ¿ What is it? ¿ How was it formulated? ¿ Where are we now? ¿ What are the next steps?
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