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  1. CGIAR Scoping Team. PowerPoint presentation at the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.
  2. Plenary Presentation: A. Bennet
  3. Ce projet est le résultat d¿une concertation entre le Forum mondial de la recherche agricole (GFAR, Global Forum on Agricultural Research) et les acteurs de la société civile: Organisations professionnelles agricoles et Organisations non gouvernementales. Il vise à renforcer le rôle de ces…
  4. 2003 will be a crucial year for agricultural negotiations. August will see the WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun during which member states will not only spell out their agricultural commitments, but also make trade-offs between sectors, since nothing can be finalised until agreement has been…
  5. Outline: ICM4ARD: Development of the GPP Proposal; Bonn Consultation; Inter-Regional Meeting at Cairo; 2005 Activities; 2006 Planned Activities
  6. GFAR: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  7. Emerging issues related to Business Plan: 1) Advocacy role for agricultural research for development as top priority for GFAR. 2) Endorse facilitating and catalytic role of GFAR Secretariat. 3) Endorse the five areas I identified as priorities ¿ sustainable financing mechanism. 4) Longterm…
  8. Evaluation of the Conference: 1) It is important to have better representation of the farmers¿ constituency, with an equal level of participation as the NGO constituency. 2) Farmers are pleased with the CSO per-conference meeting. This 2-day event, linked to the GFAR Conference should be retained…
  9. Key Outputs NGO: 1) New set of NGO Regional Focal Points identified. 2) NGO representatives to GFAR Steering Committee identified: Monica Kapiriri (principal), Aga Khan Foundation; Ed Sabio (alternate), International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
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