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African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)

Ann having an inter-disciplinary training background cutting across biological sciences, environmental science and development policy has requisite capacity and skills to provide stewardship in policies and practice towards translation of agricultural science into use. She is able to analyze and synthesize different agricultural research reports and publications for policy recommendations. Ann has ample experience in networking and advocacy in a multicultural setting involving diverse development and policy actors in the public and private sector. This experience was acquired as she worked as an agricultural officer, a plant health and biosafety officer and as a researcher and consultant with numerous development agencies and government agencies. Ann has also gained practical skills in advisory services to farmers, agricultural exporters, research communities and policy makers regarding implications of different trade requirements and treaties like International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), Cartagena Protocol, Convention on Biological Diversity and Codex Alimentarius among others. Her recent involvement as a research fellow in the Research into Use programme implemented in both Africa and Asia exposed her to the institutional and organizational orientation of agricultural entrepreneurship including the role of the private sector in stimulating innovation. As a Director of Research at ACTS, she has been coordinating research activities under the various programmes being implemented by the Centre. Ann's work has recently expanded to include Climate Change related activities.