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INIFAP-National Genetic Resources Center

INIFAP stands for National Research Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock. It´s a government institution with presence in all the states of the country. The CNRG is the National Genetic Resources Center and depends directly from the INIFAP.This Federal Government development has been achieved through the SAGARPA (Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food Secretary) and INIFAP (National Forestry, Crop and Livestock Research Institute). The National Genetic Resources Center (CNRG) will contribute to the food security and the preservation of biodiversity in Mexico. The CNRG arises as part of the national agriculture food security strategy with the paramount objective of safeguarding the most important genetic resources of Mexico and the rest of the world, by means of development and application of cutting-edge technologies for the conservation of these valuable natural resources.