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  1. The Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) is a joint undertaking by all stakeholders of ARD to mobilize the scientific community in order to address the three major challenges of rural poverty alleviation, achieving food security and assuring a sustainable management of the environment. In…
  2. The European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) and the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) are jointly preparing partnerships with Regional and Subregional Fora and entities in the context of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR).…
  3. The main aims of EIARD are: - to promote co-ordination and partnerships in Europe. - to promote co-ordination and partnerships between Europe and developing countries. - to improve the impact of agricultural research
  4. Conclusions: The Forum underlined the current structure. Key feature is legitimacy of representation and involvement of all stakeholders through National Fora on ARD in the member countries. In the preparatory process the National Fora nominated a national representative. Collectively they…
  5. The results of the first meeting of the European Forum provide the basis for further action. The meeting has been instrumental for this. The proposals address all the stakeholders. All participants in the Forum are invited to take appropriate initiatives for implementation and to contribute to this…
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