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  1. The second brief produced by GODAN for the Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Ag. This brief focuses on the challenges of accessing data useful to small-scale farmers, addressing the following questions: - What are the barriers that smallholder farmers face when trying to access data,…
  2. The first brief produced by GODAN for the Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Ag. This brief focuses on data sharing aspects of smart farming. The brief addresses the following questions:  - Why do farmers want / need to share data and with whom? - What are the challenges and risks that farmers…
  3. Coffee farming and production
  4. This survey is part of the Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture and the results will inform our future consultations and capacity development activities. Farmers who provide their email addresses will be contacted back for further involvement: participate, and you…
  5. In the GFAR Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture, our partners are working on good practices and business models for a more inclusive and farmer-fair digital transformation of agriculture. The final phase of the action will focus on capacity development on such good…
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