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  1. GFAR and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources recently launched an exciting new programme to help countries to implement Farmers’ Rights in practice, to the benefit of family farmers around the world. The joint capacity building programme on the Implementation of Farmers’ Rights was…
  2. Farmers conserve and improve food crops which constitute the basis of food and agriculture production worldwide, particularly those in centers of origin and crop diversity. Seeds are life for these communities and their families, but also for all humankind. Seeds of Sovereignty, a film produced as…
  3. GFAR, through its work on the recognition and implementation of Farmers’ Rights has reviewed the 2014 Draft Malawi National Seed Policy and Strategies. The draft policy aims to have a vibrant, sustainable and dynamic seed industry and recognizes that the seed industry in Malawi is comprised of…
  4. The Global Forum on Agricultural Research – GFAR; and the Development Fund of Norway-DF, with its local partner in Malawi, the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy- CEPA, have developed this capacity building material for small-scale farmers, farmers’ organizations, decision makers and…
  5. Source: IFAD   IFAD has issued a call for proposals for grant-funded projects designed to empower indigenous peoples' communities in rural areas. The grants will be provided through IFAD's Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF), established in 2007 to foster development in the…
  6. Juanita Chaves Posada, working on behalf of GFAR, is on a mission. She is passionate about informing smallholder farmers in developing countries about their rights. She is passionate about finding ways to translate those rights into practice. The rights she is championing flow from what…
  7. The United Nations declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming to recognize the importance of family farmers in the reduction of poverty and the improvement of global food security.   The international community has already recognized the central role family and…
  8. The farmers’ rights meeting co-organized by the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA), the Development Fund of Norway (DF) and the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) was held in Lilongwe, Malawi on 7 August 2014.   The aim of the meeting was to identify gaps and…
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