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Making the GFAR Secretariat more responsive to the
demands of its stakeholders is one of the key points emphasized in this paper. This implies i)
redefining the role of the NARS Committee, ii) supporting a more focused set of activities anchored
on the demands of regional and sub-regional fora, and iii) a more flexible and enhanced facilitation
function by the Secretariat. Sustained financing of the Secretariat and the provision of catalytic funds
will be indispensable if the Secretariat is to carry out its facilitation function and assist stakeholders in

The GFAR Business Plan (BP) provides a frame work and guidelines to its constituent stakeholders [...] It comprises three parts: (i) a strategic document that briefly describes some of the issues that shaped the vision of GFAR and guided the choice of
its priority areas of focus for the immediate and near future of about ten years; (ii) a
comprehensive three-year rolling plan that describes not only concrete activities and expected
outputs for each of the priority areas of focus identified in the strategic document, but also a

The GFAR Business Plan (BP) provides a frame work and guidelines to its constituent stakeholders [...]
It comprises three parts: (i) a strategic document that briefly describes some of the issues that shaped the vision of GFAR
and guided the choice of its priority areas of focus for the immediate and near future of about ten years; (ii) a
comprehensive three-year rolling plan that describes not only concrete activities and expected
outputs for each of the priority areas of focus identified in the strategic document, but also a

We recognise the need, as acknowledged in the World Summit on Sustainable Development
(WSSD) Plan of Implementation, to support the development of cleaner, sustainable and more
efficient technologies. Co-operative scientific research on transformational technologies offers
potential to improve public health by cutting pollution and reduce greenhouse emissions to address
the challenge of global climate change. Our countries must optimise the use of natural resources
including through recycling.

Le projet d¿entreprise 2001-2003 du GFAR fournit un cadre général et des directives pour l'ensemble des
activités, programmes et projets que les parties prenantes du GFAR décident d'entreprendre conjointement
dans le cadre du Forum mondial.
La principale fonction du Secrétariat du GFAR est de faciliter la mise en oeuvre du projet d¿entreprise en
favorisant le dialogue, l'échange d'informations, le renforcement des capacités et la constitution de
partenariats de recherche entre les parties prenantes.

El Plan de Negocios del GFAR 2001-2003 proporciona el marco general y las directrices para
todas las actividades, programas y proyectos que los actores del GFAR deciden llevar a cabo
conjuntamente bajo la dirección del GFAR.
La principal función del Secretariado del GFAR es facilitar la ejecución del Plan de Negocios del
GFAR, favoreciendo el diálogo, el intercambio de información, la creación de capacidades y las
asociaciones de investigación entre los diferentes actores.

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