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  1. Head, Department of Silviculture,Programme coordinator, Sustainable Forest Management Division, 31 years of research experience, Quantitative Silviculture, Forest Mensuration & Management, RS & GIS applications, Agroforestry systems, EIA, Environmental Management plans, Decentralized…
  2. I have one hectare of land and I want to grow pitaya but I need economic help to start my project.
  3. we are in protected cultivation - manufacturer of greenhouse/polyhouse, screen house, rain-out shelter, plant growth chamber.
  4. I am a Zimbabwean working at the interface of formal and informal agriculture markets where I see amazing innovations daily. Having grown up with cow-dung between my toes, I have practised agriculture from birth. If you ask me: Is it really possible to kill two birds with one stone? My answer is…
  5. Education, Cultivation and Transformation of local bamboo to boost rural livelihood and generate grass roots green economy.
  6. OAFL is a company specialised in AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY for TRAINNING African farmer in the field of utility, driving and maintenance. We are also consultancy for agricbusiness that is: preparation of soil for production and environnemental protection. Our objectif is to build a school of training…
  7. Pumpkart is an online shopping store from where you can buy domestic, agricultural and commercial water pumps from the top manufacturers across India. Pumpkart have multiple payment options like COD, EMI and cash back offer on every online payments. For more details visit Water Pumps Online
  8. Retired FAO Dept Director of Plant Production and Protection. I am currently a privite consultant working with diverse stakeholders on sustainable intensification of production and on sustainable use of plant genetic resources.
  9. Thanks to being a member of the Sierra Leone Graduate Farmers Association (SGFA) and other networks, I have become an agriculture role model in areas of youth in agriculture advocacy in action. I work on reinforcing different holistic concept notes for agriculture development and economic…
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