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  1. The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) produces scientific knowledge and works for economic and social innovation in the areas of food, agriculture and the environment. INRA is involved in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, and promoting alternative…
  2. AGROBIOLOGY AND PEDOLOGY RESEARCH CENTRE   According to the legislative Decree n. 454/99 this is a scientific structure of the Agricultural Research Council   It carries out research on soil improvement and its conservation in the production chains through the study of physical, chemical,…
  3. Crée en 1960, le Centre Horticole de Cambérène (ancienne appellation) avait pour unique vocation de former les « cadres » chargés essentiellement de l’aménagement et l’entretien des jardins et espaces verts publics de la capitale sénégalaise.
  4. A French research centre working with developing countries to tackle international agricultural and development issues
  5. The Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) is a private for-profit organization delivering support and services to educators and researchers in Canada and around the world. The Canadian Center of Science and Education was established in 2006. In partnership with research institutions,…
  6. International organization
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