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  1. The GFAR Business Plan (BP) provides a frame work and guidelines to its constituent stakeholders [...] It comprises three parts: (i) a strategic document that briefly describes some of the issues that shaped the vision of GFAR and guided the choice of its priority areas of focus for the immediate…
  2. Le projet d¿entreprise 2001-2003 du GFAR fournit un cadre général et des directives pour l'ensemble des activités, programmes et projets que les parties prenantes du GFAR décident d'entreprendre conjointement dans le cadre du Forum mondial. La principale fonction du Secrétariat du GFAR…
  3. El Plan de Negocios del GFAR 2001-2003 proporciona el marco general y las directrices para todas las actividades, programas y proyectos que los actores del GFAR deciden llevar a cabo conjuntamente bajo la dirección del GFAR. La principal función del Secretariado del GFAR es facilitar la ejecución…
  4. The GFAR Business Plan 2001-2003 provides the general framework and guidelines for all activities, programmes and projects that the GFAR stakeholders decide to jointly undertake under the aegis of GFAR. The GFAR Secretariat¿s main function is to facilitate the implementation of the GFAR Business…
  5. The Asia Pacific region is agriculturally the most vibrant globally. At the same time it sustains more than fifty percent of the world population as well as the maximum of poverty. The Green and White Revolutions have also been witnessed in this region which have provided the means to cope with the…
  6. The 2nd Inter-Regional Consultation was held at CLAES, ARC, Cairo, Egypt from the 10th to the 11th of May 2005, to enable RAIS stakeholders of Regional Fora to achieve the following objectives: a) To present and discuss their respective regional Plan of Work and Budget (POW&B) for 2005 in the…
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