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  1. Following the development of the ¿Strategic Framework for a Global Post-harvest Initiative-Linking Farmers to Markets¿ in October 2003, this initiative entered a ¿going back to the regions phase¿ in which concrete activities would be carried out at the lowest most effective level in accordance with…
  2. The origins of the concept behind the Information and Communications for Agricultural Research and Development lie with a group of individuals working with International, Regional and National ARD Institutions who believed that the application of Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) to…
  3. Outline: ICM4ARD: Development of the GPP Proposal; Bonn Consultation; Inter-Regional Meeting at Cairo; 2005 Activities; 2006 Planned Activities
  4. The DURAS CGS is established to encourage innovation, allow scaling-up of successful innovations and/or best practices developed in the South, and to further develop and explore scientific potentials. It also aims to create opportunities for historically disadvantaged stakeholder groups in the…
  5. The Project DURAS (Promotion du Développement Durable dans les systèmes de Recherche Agricole du Sud) is a three-year project funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims to contribute to strengthening the involvement and enhancing the scientific potential of southern stakeholders in…
  6. DURAS, key issues. A Grant of ¿ 4M. (US$ 4.5M.¿ 4M. (US$ 4.5M.). A Project established for 4 Years. A specific geographical coverage: SSA, WANA and 3 countries of APAARI (Viet-Nam, Laos and Cambodia). Two main Goals: To launch competitive grants on ARSD topics, managed by RF/SRF to develop North-…
  7. A background paper for FARA.RAIS Workshop
  8. Sharing agricultural information in an open platform or ¿information reservoir¿ is a step towards building a global knowledge system. The term 'Information Reservoir' is used instead of ¿system¿ since the information reservoir is a product of various information systems that are…
  9. In this report the major activities of the Association for 2004/2005 will be presented. These activities include the Executive Committee meetings (following the 9th General Conference), Regional Agricultural Information System (RAIS), Regional Networks, Global Post-Harvest Initiative (GPhI),…
  10. La communauté internationale de la recherche agronomique pour le développement (RAD) s¿accorde pour la mise en place d¿un système mondial, qui propose de raisonner les activités de tous les acteurs impliqués selon une approche qui distingue plusieurs niveaux sur une échelle qui va du local au…
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