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  1. One thing that is clear to most analysts is that food production will have to come from agricultural systems located in countries where the additional people will live in. In these countries, farmers are not only resource poor with no access to credit, technical assistance or markets, but their…
  2. The general objective of the INTERDEV project can be defined as follows: to design and to test a co-operative information service on Natural (environmental) Resources Management. By doing so, it is assumed that new technologies for communication and information provide technical possibilities to…
  3. The objective of AE/NRM R&D programs should be, in the first instance, to identify, encourage and diffuse concrete innovations by farmers in managing natural resources. Most of these innovations fall into two broad categories: 1) Bio-technical practices at the farm-family level in the areas of…
  4. Scale Up! is a synthesis of the highlights of discussions of the 38 participants from some 25 institutions who attended the Workshop on Scaling Up Sustainable Agriculture (SA) Initiatives held 22-23 October 1999 at the World Bank. The Workshop was organized by the NGO Committee of the Consultative…
  5. Summary matrix of international environmental conventions and related initiatives
  6. ¿The concept paper explains the rational for basing improvements in ecologically-oriented agriculture (EA) and natural resource management (NRM) on local knowledge, experimentation and innovation. It outlines the main types of activities involved in a global programme to promote this approach:…
  7. The aim of the present proposal addressed is to facilitate the participation of Southern organizations in the InterDev-NRM information service through: > the organization of a number of training sessions in Africa, Asia and Latin America on the use of the InterDev software, > the effective…
  8. ¿The aim of the present dissemination plan is to review the options for the extension of the service once the experimental phase funded by the EC is over. Extension will be considered as an increasing range of issues being covered by the service, whether within or outside the three themes that are…
  9. ¿The Work Package Urban and Periurban Agriculture of the InterDev project describes experiences in the field of urban agriculture and integrated urban planning. In view of the multidisciplinary character of much of the information available it is difficult to limit a focus to any sub-field in…
  10. ¿InterDev Food-Processing defines itself as a network of partners competent in food processing and aiming to gather, format and disseminate useful and operational information in order to meet the needs of businesses which process agricultural raw materials.¿
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